I hope the 21 million people who signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) do not vote for Trump, especially those of us with pre-existing conditions

3 min readMar 11, 2024

Joe Biden made several excellent points on why he should be re-elected at his recent State of the Union speech, including his desire to retain and expand the Affordable Care Act.

The comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010 (sometimes known as ACA, PPACA, or “Obamacare” ) increases health insurance coverage for the uninsured and implements much needed reforms to the health insurance market.

The ACA provides affordable coverage for over 21 million people

ACA enrollment reached over 21 million for the 2024 plan year — a record high since the launch of the ACA Marketplaces over a decade earlier.

And for reasons I still do not understand, Donad Trump tried to eliminate the ACA under his presidency, and from my understanding, has yet to provide an alternative solution. I am hoping it is not because the law was such a huge win for the Obama Administration ( Nobel Peace Prize worthy in my opinion).

Here are some of the biggest benefits of the ACA:

People with preexisting health conditions can no longer be denied or pay more for overage

A preexisting condition, such as cancer, made it difficult for many people to get health insurance before the ACA. Most insurance companies wouldn’t cover treatment for these conditions. They said this was because the illness or injury occurred before you were covered by their plans

Under the ACA, you can’t be denied coverage or pay more because of a preexisting health problem. As an eight year breast cancer survivor, this benefit is huge for me. I am an early retiree as well and would not be able to afford health insurance if my cancer came back.

More free screenings are available

The ACA covers many screenings and preventive services at not cost. These usually have low copays or deductibles. The hope is that if you’re proactive in your healthcare, you can avoid or delay major health problems later.

Healthier consumers will lead to lower costs over time. For example, a mammogram and colonoscopy screening is free, with the thought being that early detection of cancer may help prevent costly and debilitating treatment later.

Prescription drugs cost less

The ACA promised to make prescription drugs more affordable. Many people, particularly senior citizens, are unable to afford all their medications. The number of prescription and generic drugs covered by the ACA is growing every year.

According to a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services press release from 2017, Medicare beneficiaries have saved over $26.8 billion on prescription drugs under Obamacare.

In addition, parents can now keep their children age 26 and under on their health plan. This benefits even millions more!

The Cons

There are really no cons to the ACA. Some say the plan choices are limited and the costs are high. This is not true. A majority of the people insured under the ACA recieve a federal subsidy to lower the cost of their plan and there are literally hundreds of plans to choose from.

The ACA is a win win for millions of Americans, especially those of us under 65 with pre-existing conditons.

So for any Trump supporters who benefit from the ACA , think twice about how important your healthcare coverage is before you vote for him.




Kristi is an avid hiker , and an eight year breast cancer survivor,