After a year of watching Covid death tolls climb and infection rates explode, we need to find ways to make one another feel better. The Covid fallout coupled with watching months of negative campaign ads, has had a significant negative mental health impact on all of us.
To keep my spirits up, I have worked out daily and spent hours researching new restaurants in my community to order take out. I also joined several wine clubs on a trial basis to get great discounts on introductory wine deals.
But through all of this, the one thing that has uplifted my spirits tremendously is when I remembered to “pay it forward” to strangers, relatives or just casual friends of mine. The “pay it forward” gesture is simple. Look for ways to spread kindness to others in your town, social media space, or just go out and brighten someone’s day.
I bought people coffee who were behind me in the McDonald’s drive through, gave money to charities I never heard of before, and I complimented colleagues on their wonderful contributions.
Yesterday, I donated a handful of dollars I remembered to bring with me on my hike to fundraiser for children with congenital heart defects that was held at a mountain I hike daily. After each one of my “pay it forward” gestures, I felt a genuine sense of happiness and satisfaction ( almost like a rush of happy adrenaline) after seeing the joyful expressions of the recipients of my “pay it forward” acts.
I challenge all to join me in “Pay it Forward Month” in January of 2021 which will be dedicated to making a “pay it forward” gesture every day. You need this to make yourself and others feel better.